Mary McGillis NFTs on OpenSea

Mary McGillis
Daniel Walsh caricature of Mother Mary on OpenSea

I guess IvyBot was born because of COVID! I closed my store down and started looking through thousands of photos I had taken on autopilot. Do you have a million photos? During COVID, midway through learning about cryptocurrency and the NFT community, I started playing with my photography, over 25,000 photos.

Do you see the beauty in almost everything, too?  Me too! And if you like taking photos, creating NFTs may be just what you need now – be creative and have fun! My photo journey ultimately led me to IvyBot and yours can, too!

I talk about my NFT journey in blogs, YouTube, and anywhere; I started by using my favorite photos of family, friends, and things (LOVE my brother Mike’s paintings and now they will be on the blockchain in a thousand years) – and that is one way I decided to honor his memory because he died so young.  I LOVE the circle of life.  You know, that saying if you aim at nothing, you hit nothing. As Steven Tyler says, dream on until your dreams all come true. Ready, set, aim, dream, and shoot (for) the stars!

9th wave