Make Your Heart Sing

The One-Third Formula: one third rest, one third work and one third left for fun. Once you balance your life with this formula, you will make time to figure out what fun means to you and how to spend more time enjoying life. When you start looking for more fun, you will find it! 

Did you know laughter is the best medicine? … and the One-Third Formula will help you make laughter a part of your everyday life. Only you can figure that out, and this is the formula to help you.

How do you get there? There is a process and you begin it and you get there! When you make yourself feel good emotions ~ it is a choice ~ this act increases your energy and you send out good vibrations all around you. What does Make Your Heart Sing have to do with it? Only $3 for your very own eBook showing you how: Make Your Heart Sing with the One-Third Formula. This concept and book may have been called How to Make the Time to Laugh More

If you like visual, on the YouTube channel the online course has been adapted into an event ’42 Days of Self-Love’ (free now) to help you to get better at practicing your feelings, and that will get you feeling better! It’s a beautiful way to remember how easy it is to love ourselves, and then the laughter comes.

Make Your Heart Sing
Make Your Heart Sing with The One-Third Formula
Mike and Mary

For any who knew my brother, you know he was a special, gentle soul. He came to me in a dream the other day and I wrote this poem to remember the dream:

An Ode to Michael Joseph McGillis (April 16, 1958 to May 16, 2020)

Diamonds on the ocean

Diamonds on the snow

Diamonds of dew

Acres of diamonds

Remind me of you

You shine like the sun

You shine like star-shine

You shine like diamonds

Blue Diamond Brother of mine.


9th wave