The One Third Formula eBook



The One-Third Formula: The Key to a Joyful Life

When was the last time you had a belly laugh? Fun is not a luxury; you need to smile AND laugh. When you start looking for more fun, you will find it! Look at this eBook as the key to a joyful life!

Work 8 hours, sleep 8 hours and that leaves 8 hours for FUN! Follow the steps of this formula to balance your days and you will make more time for fun in your life. Love follows laughter always. Fun opens the door to self-love; you can open that door today because The One-Third Formula helps you find a way forward.

The goal of this book for the reader:

This book is a step-by-step guide to self-discovery to learn how to love yourself again, just as you did as a child. 

How did this process and theory come about?

What process? The process is to balance rest, work, and play in your life with the one-third formula.

What theory? The theory is that when you balance your life, you will have many more opportunities to choose fun.

Where did this one-third formula come from?

A very dear friend, beautiful Carol Wakeford, shared the formula with me, saying the elementals wanted people to take more time to play. She had a dream or vision about a fairy telling her to share with me the name of a song from the 1940s, Lucky, Lucky, Lucky Me by Evelyn Knight. We had a long laugh when reading the lyrics: ‘I work eight hours, I sleep eight hours, that leaves eight hours for fun.’

9th wave